The evolution of pesticide resistance is a widespread problem with potentially severe consequences for global food security. We introduce the resevol R package, which simulates individual-based models of pests with evolving genomes that produce complex, polygenic, and covarying traits affecting pest life history and pesticide resistance. Simulations are modelled on a spatially-explicit and highly customisable landscape in which crop and pesticide application and rotation can vary, making the package a highly flexible tool for both general and targetted models of pest management and resistance evolution. We present the key features of the resevol package and demonstrate its use for a simple example simulating pests with two covarying traits. The resevol R package is open source under GNU Public License. All source code and documentation are available on GitHub.
Key words: pest management, food security, ecological modelling, pesticide, resistance evolution
Insect resistance to pesticides is a wicked and widespread problem (Gould, Brown, and Kuzma 2018). Predicting, identifying, and ultimately delaying the evolution of insecticide resistance is therefore critical for ensuring sustainable global food security (Hawkins et al. 2019; Lykogianni et al. 2021). To manage pesticide resistance, various strategies have been proposed to disrupt or weaken selection. These strategies often focus on varying the location and timing of pesticide application, and therefore varying the strength of selection for pesticide resistance, so that pest susceptibility to one or more pesticides is maintained (Ives and Andow 2002; Liang et al. 2013; Carrière, Fabrick, and Tabashnik 2016; Liang, Tang, and Cheke 2018; South and Hastings 2018; Sudo et al. 2018; Saikai, Hurley, and Mitchell 2021). Pesticide resistance management has mostly been associated with the effect of single genes. In such cases, resistance alleles have binary effects on phenotype, enabling resistant phenotypes to arise from genetic changes at single or a small number of loci (Raymond et al. 2001; Richard H. Ffrench-Constant, Daborn, and Le Goff 2004; Richard H. Ffrench-Constant 2013; Mangan et al. 2023). Nevertheless, resistance attributable to polygenic effects is also well-established (Via 1986; Firko and Hayes 1990; Busi, Neve, and Powles 2013; Haridas and Tenhumberg 2018; Green, Stenberg, and Lankinen 2020). And the relevance of polygenic resistance is likely to further increase given a rising interest in biological controls for sustainable crop protection (e.g., Green, Stenberg, and Lankinen 2020; Elnahal et al. 2022; Mangan et al. 2023). Developing strategies to maximise the efficacy of these tools is critical, and such strategies should be well-informed by predictions made from detailed, quantitative genetic models. Here we introduce the resevol R package as a tool for building individual-based models and simulating pest management (Daly et al. 2022).
The resevol package applies individual-based modelling and a quantitative genetics approach to simulate the evolution of a pest population on a changing landscape. Multiple traits determine the overall fitness of any pest genotype. For example, while alleles conferring resistance to a particular pesticide enhance fitness in the presence of that pesticide, they could also impose reproductive fitness costs. Such trade-offs can be quantified by the genetic covariance between traits. A focal goal of the resevol package is to model traits with a pre-specified, but potentially evolving, genetic covariance structure. To achieve this goal, each individual has a genome with L loci that underlie a set of T potentially evolving traits. Pleiotropic loci can vary in their effects on the direction and magnitude of polygenic traits, causing population-wide trait covariance to arise mechanistically from the underlying genetic architecture of individuals. To achieve this, two separate steps are necessary. First, an evolutionary algorithm is used to find a network of internal nodes that map standard random normal loci values to covarying traits. Values used to map loci to traits are incorporated into individual genomes. Second, a population of asexual or sexual individuals is initialised and simulated on a spatially explicit landscape separated into distinct units (e.g., farms). Land units can apply one of up to 10 pesticides, and one of up to 10 landscape types at a given time (for simplicity, here we interpret landscape types to be crop types). Pesticides and crops rotate independently within farms over time in a pre-specified way. The resevol package can thereby model complex and evolving agricultural pest traits over realistic landscapes that undergo different pesticide use and crop regimes.
The first step of simulation is building individual genomes. This step is separate because it is computationally intensive, and genomes that are built might need to be inspected and stored. High computation time is due to the mechanistic nature of how genomes and covarying traits are modelled. Instead of imposing a trait covariance structure directly, an evolutionary algorithm is used to find a network that maps standard random normal values (loci) to covarying values (traits). This is useful because it allows genomes to model potentially evolving physiological constraints, and trade-offs among traits, from the bottom up. Since multiple networks can potentially map loci to the same trait covariance structure, it is possible to replicate evolution with different randomly generated genetic architectures. This approach to modelling individual genomes and traits thereby increases the complexity of questions that can be addressed for simulating evolution in agricultural pests.
Figure 1. Example network mapping loci (green
circles) to traits (red diamonds) through an intermediate set of hidden
layers (blue squares) in the mine_gmatrix
Individual genomes in the resevol R package consist of standard random
normal values for loci, real values for black arrows linking nodes, and
real values for traits. Values shown for loci and arrows are an example
for illustration.
Conceptually, the relationship between individual genotypes and traits is defined by a network connecting loci to traits through a set of hidden internal nodes (Figure 1). Values for loci are randomly drawn from a standard normal distribution, 𝒩(0, 1). Links between loci, internal nodes, and traits, can take any real value and are represented by black arrows in Figure 1. Traits can take any real value, and are calculated as the summed effects of all preceding nodes (i.e., the blue squares immediately to the left of the traits in Figure 1). Mathematically, loci are represented by a row vector of length L. Effects of loci on the first layer of internal nodes (black arrows emanating from loci in Figure 1) are represented by an L × T matrix, and transitions between internal nodes, and between the last set of internal nodes and the final traits, are represented by T × T matrices. For the example in Figure 1,
$$ \begin{pmatrix} 0.1, & -0.1, & 0.2 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 0.4, & 0.1 \\ -1.2, & -0.6 \\ 0.2, & 2.2 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1.3, & -0.5 \\ -0.1 & 0.0 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 2.2, & 0.9 \\ 1.6 & 0.8 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.2998, & 0.1081 \\ \end{pmatrix}. $$
Values mapping loci to traits become part of an individual’s genome, so the genome for the individual represented by Figure 1 is stored in the model as shown below:
0.1, -0.1, -0.2, 0.4, 0.1, -1.2, -0.6, 0.2, 2.2, 1.3, -0.5, -0.1, 0.0, 2.2, 0.9, 1.6, 0.8
Individuals with different loci can therefore have different covarying traits that are constrained by the network structure encoded in each genome. Individuals can be haploid (as in Figure 1) or diploid (in which case, allele values are summed at homologous loci).
An evolutionary algorithm is used to find appropriate values that
produce covarying traits from loci (see Supporting Information 1 for
details). Evolutionary algorithms are heuristic tools that can simulate
adaptive evolution to find solutions for a broad range of problems (Hamblin 2013; Duthie et al. 2018). In the resevol
package, the mine_gmatrix
function runs an evolutionary
algorithm and requires the argument gmatrix
, which
specifies the desired trait covariance matrix. The function initialises
a population of npsize
separate, and potentially unique,
networks (i.e., npsize
copies of a network like the one
shown in Figure 1), and this population evolves until some maximum
iteration (max_gen
) or minimum expected network stress
) is met. In a single iteration of the algorithm,
values mutate and crossover occurs between networks (i.e., some of the
networks swap values with some probability). Next,
trait covariances produced for each network are estimated by initalising
individuals with loci sampled from a standard normal
distribution. Network stress is calculated as the logged mean squared
deviation between estimated covariances and those in
. Tournament selection (Hamblin 2013) is then used to
determine the networks for the next iteration of the algorithm. Networks
with the lowest estimated stress have the highest fitness, so these
networks are disproportionately represented in the next iteration.
Throughout the evolutionary algorithm, the lowest stress network is
saved and returned upon network termination. The robustness of this
network’s stress to sets of individuals with different loci values can
be tested using the stress_test
An example run of mine_gmatrix
with the same number of
loci and internal nodes as in Figure 1 is shown below for traits that
have an intended covariance of -0.4:
trait_covs <- matrix(data = c(1, -0.4, -0.4, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2);
new_network <- mine_gmatrix(loci = 3, layers = 2, gmatrix = trait_covs,
max_gen = 1000, term_cri = -6.0, prnt_out = FALSE);
The code above found a genome that produced the following expected trait covariances:
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1.0008181 -0.3925799
## [2,] -0.3925799 1.0271340
The mean deviation between elements of the above matrix and the
identity matrix provided by trait_covs
is 2.1176024^{-4}.
Lower values of term_cri
and higher values of
will result in a lower stress, but this will
require more computation time, especially if the number of traits is
high. Similarly, higher values of indivs
will result in
more accurate estimations of true stress, but this also requires more
computation time. Additional arguments to mine_gmatrix
also be used to improve the performance of the evolutionary algorithm
(see Supporting Information 1).
The full output of mine_gmatrix
is passed to the
function, which initialises and simulates an
evolving population of pests on a changing landscape for any natural
number of time steps (time_steps
). In this section, we
explain the landscape, pest ecology, and evolving pest traits.
Landscapes are spatially explicit and initialised in one of two ways.
First, a landscape can be built from the arguments xdim
, and farms
. These arguments specify the
cell dimensions and number of farms on the landscape. Contiguous
rectangular farms of roughly equal size are generated on the landscape
using a splitline algorithm. Second, a custom landscape can be input
using the terrain
argument, which takes a matrix with
elements that include integers 1 to farms
. Each value
defines a unique farm, but values do not need to be contiguous. These
‘farms’ could even model non-farmland (e.g., water, roads), if
pesticides and crops on them are invisible to pests (see Supporting
Information 2), or they could more broadly be interpreted as
heterogenous landscape properties across an arbitrary scale (e.g., Newman et al.
2023). This terrain
customisation therefore
allows for a high degree of landscape detail, and offers the potential
for modelling real-world landscapes from raster images (e.g., Millington et al.
2021). Edge effects are set using the land_edge
argument. Edge options include "leaky"
(pests disappear
from the landscape), "reflect"
(pests bounce off of the
edge), "sticky"
(pests stick to the edge), or
(pests that move off of one edge return on the
opposite side of the landscape).
Each farm can hold one pesticide and one crop type in any time step.
The crop_init
and pesticide_init
initialise one of crop_number
crops and one of
pesticides for each farm, respectively
(maximum of 10 each). Initialisation can be random for each farm with
equal probability, or it can be set using a vector of length
in which vector elements define the initialised crop
or pesticide number. After initialisation, crops and pesticides rotate
once every crop_rotation_time
time steps, respectively. The
arguments crop_rotation_type
specify how crops and pesticides
are rotated, respectively. Each of these rotation type arguments can
take either an integer value from 1-3, or a matrix. Integer values
specify (1) no rotation, (2) random transition from one type to another,
or (3) cycling through each available crop or pesticide in numeric
order. Square matrices can be used to define the probability that a
given crop or pesticide in row i transitions to that in column
j. Hence, any possible Markov
chain can be used to model transition between crop or pesticide types on
farms, potentially integrating real crop use or pesticide use patterns
(Zhang et al.
2020). Upon rotation, crop and pesticide values are reset on
each farm.
Values for crop_per_cell
determine the quantity of crops and
pesticides initialised per cell upon crop or pesticide rotation,
respectively. Between crop rotations, crop values can increase each time
step by a proportion or increment crop_growth
, which
depends on crop_growth_type
. These arguments can be used to
model crop growth over a season.
Individual pests can be modelled to have several reproductive systems
and life histories. Pest reproductive system can be specified using the
argument, which accepts "asexual"
(haploid), "sexual"
(monoecious), and
(dioecious). For "sexual"
the selfing
argument specifies if self-fertilisation is
) or is not (FALSE
) allowed. At the start
of a simulation, pests are initialised in a random location. Initialised
pests are of age zero if rand_age = FALSE
or a random age
from zero to max_age
if rand_age = TRUE
Following initialisation, a single time step proceeds with landscape
change (see above), pest aging and metabolism, feeding, pesticide
consumption, movement, reproduction, mortality, and immigration (Figure
2). Feeding, pesticide consumption, movement, and reproduction all
depend on pest age. Pests feed and consume pesticide from ages
to max_age_feed
, move from ages
to max_age_move
, and reproduce
from ages min_age_reproduce
(all inclusive). Food accumulated is lost
during aging if baseline_metabolism > 0
and pest age is
within min_age_metabolism
. The option to set minimum and maximum
ages for events makes it possible to model pests with much different
life histories (e.g., Sudo et al. 2018).
Figure 2. Overview of simulated events in the resevol R package. Note that metabolism, feeding, pesticide consumption, movement, and reproduction are all subject to a minimum and maximum pest age. Consequently, simulation order might not reflect the order of events from the perspective of a focal pest (e.g., pests might move from ages 1-2, but only feed from ages 2-4). Crops and pesticides are also not necessarily rotated in each time step (see Landscape). Statistics collected within a time step are printed to a CSV file.
In each time step, pests feed in a random order, consuming the crop
on their landscape cell. Each pest consumes an amount of crop as
specified by the food_consume
argument, which takes a
vector with as many elements as their are crops (i.e., if
crop_number = 2
, then food_consume
has two
elements, the first and second defining consumption of crops 1 and 2,
respectively). If crop amount on the landscape cell exceeds pest
consumption ability, then pests consume their maximum amount, and this
amount is removed from the landscape cell. If crop amount is less than
pest consumption ability, then pests consume whatever crop is left and
crop amount is reduced to zero. Pesticide consumption works identically
to crop consumption, except that the amount of pesticide on a landscape
cell is not decreased. Hence, each pest can potentially feed and be
affected by the pesticide of their focal landscape cell. Pests simply
consume an amount of pesticide as specified by the
argument, which also takes a vector with
as many elements as their are pesticides. Pesticide consumption affects
pest survival and reproduction using
After interacting with their landscape cell, pests can move. Each
pest visits a number of cells during movement, as is specified by the
parameter movement_bouts
. Individual movement bouts occur
in a random order across pests. During a movement bout, a pest can
travel to any cell within a value defined by
from their current location, which could
include their current location (i.e., moving zero distance). Upon
arrival to a cell, a pest can feed if they are of an appropriate feeding
age and feed_while_moving = TRUE
. The pest also consumes
pesticide if they are of the appropriate age and
pesticide_while_moving = TRUE
. Having pests feed and
consume pesticide in a random order while moving among landscape cells
can model a population competing for food and encountering pesticides on
a shorter time scale than an individual time step.
After all pests finish moving, pests reproduce. Offspring production
is possible for asexual, monoecious, or female pests. Pest expected
offspring number is defined by a fixed parameter if
reproduction_type = "lambda"
, or is calculated from the
amount of food consumed if
reproduction_type = "food_based"
. The former requires
specifying lambda_value
, which becomes the rate parameter
for sampling offspring number from a Poisson distribution. The latter
requires specifying a real value for food_needed_repr
which is the amount of food needed to produce one offspring. For
food-based reproduction, the total amount of food consumed is divided by
, then floored to determine offspring
number. Sexual reproduction requires a mate of reproductive age that is
either monoecious or male, and within range of the reproducing focal
pest (potential including the focal pest, if
selfing = TRUE
). A potential mate is within range if it is
within an integer number of cells from the focal pest, as defined by
(e.g., if mating_distance = 0
then mates must share a landscape cell). All available potential mates
sire offspring with equal probability, and reproducing pests are assumed
to mate multiply (i.e., paternity is a fair raffle for all offspring).
If a carrying capacity at birth is set (K_on_birth > 0
and total offspring number in the population exceeds this capacity, then
offspring are removed at random until they are within carrying capacity.
A real value immigration_rate
specifies the rate parameter
for Poisson random sampling of the number of immigrants added to the
population at the end of a time step. Immigrants are initialised in the
same way as pests are at the start of the simulation. Hence, any spatial
structure or evolution that occurs during the simulation does not affect
immigrant locations, genomes, or traits.
Pest genomes evolve in a complex and highly mechanistic way.
Offspring inherit genome values from their parent(s) with the
possibility for mutation and recombination; offspring traits are then
calculated from their newly initialised genomes. For asexually and
sexually reproducing pests, genomes are haploid and diploid,
respectively. Asexually reproducing pests receive the full genomes of
their parent, while sexually reproducing pests receive half of their
alleles from each parent. Each diploid parent contributes one half of
their genome, effectively modelling a genome with a single chromosome.
Crossover occurs at each position of the genome with a probability of
. When a crossover event occurs, alleles are
swapped between the two chromosomes, so complete recombination is also
possible if crossover_pr = 0.5
. For both haploids and
diploids, each genome value then mutates independently with a
probability of mutation_pr
, which can be set to any real
number from 0-1. If a genome value mutates, then a new value is randomly
sampled from a standard normal distribution. If
mutation_type = 0
, then this new value replaces the old
value, and if mutation_type = 1
, then the new value is
added to the old value. After mutation, genome values are used to
calculate trait values.
Evolution of the genetic architecture linking loci to traits can be
constrained by disabling mutation in genome values linking loci,
internal nodes, and traits (i.e., ‘network values’ represented by arrows
in Figure 1). While mutation at loci (green circles in Figure 1) is
always possible as long as mutation_pr > 0
, the number
of intermediary layers for which network values can mutate is
constrained by net_mu_layers
. If
net_mu_layers = 0
, then no network values can mutate, but
higher integer values cause mutation to occur at network value layers
from loci to traits (if net_mu_dir = 1
) or traits to loci
(if net_mu_dir = 0
). For example, if
net_mu_layers = 2
and net_mu_dir = 1
, then the
network values linking loci to the first internal node, and the first
internal node to the second, can mutate (i.e., first two columns of
arrows in 1, but not those linking the second internal node to traits).
This allows pest traits to evolve with varying degrees of constraint on
the covariance between traits. Low net_mu_layers
model strong genetic constraints, while high values model high
evolvability of trait covariances.
Finally, evolving and covarying traits can be used in place of fixed
parameters described in pest ecology. This is done by substituting
as an argument input in place of a numeric value,
where j
represents the trait number. For example, the
argument move_distance = "T1"
will make Trait 1 the
movement distance for individuals. The argument
food_consume = c("T2", "T3")
will set Traits 2 and 3 to
define the amount of food of types 1 and 2 that can be consumed by a
pest, respectively. Up to 10 of the following parameters can be replaced
with evolving traits: move_distance
, pesticide_tolerated_surv
, pesticide_tolerated_repr
, lambda_value
, metabolism
, and pesticide_consume
. Mean
values of traits can be set using the argument trait_means
which accepts a vector of the same length as the number of evolving
traits such that indices correspond to trait numbers. The resevol
package can thereby simulate agricultural pests with complex and
co-evolving traits, and potentially evolving trait covariances, under a
range of possible pest life histories.
Simulation output is typically large, so output is printed in two CSV
files, both of which are created in the working directory. The first
file “population_data.csv” prints population level data over time,
including population size, mean age, sex ratio, mean food and pesticide
consumed of each type, mortality rate, and mean trait values. The second
file “individuals.csv” prints all information, including full genomes
and traits (columns), for every individual (rows) in the population. The
printing of individual level data is disabled by default. It can be
turned on for all time steps by setting print_inds = TRUE
but this should be done with caution because it can create extremely
large files. Instead, individual level data can be printed for only the
final time step by setting print_last = TRUE
. Output
produced by run_farm_sim
is a list of two elements, which
includes a vector of parameter values used in the simulation and the
final state of the landscape as an array.
In resevol v0.3, the run_farm_sim
function includes 68
arguments, which specify a wide range of possible simulation conditions
affecting landscape and pest characteristics. These arguments are
explained the package documentation, and in Supporting Information 2,
which demonstrates an advanced case study with a custom landscape and
complex pest genomes and life history. Here we focus on a simple
simulation with asexually reproducing pests that have three loci and two
traits (Figure 1). We use the the genome generated in
from Section 2, in
which traits 1 and 2 have variances of 1.0008181 and 1.027134,
respectively, with a covariance of -0.3925799.
Traits 1 and 2 will define the realised rate of uptake of the two separate pesticides, so we model a system in which there is a potential trade-off for pesticide susceptibility. We use a simple 64 × 64 cell landscape with nine farms. Each farm grows the same crop and uses one of two randomly intialised pesticides, which are rotated every 16 time steps. Hence, we can conceptualise 16 time steps as a single growing season.
In our example, each cell produces four crop units, all of which can potentially be consumed. Pests consume up to one unit of crop on their landscape cell per time step. Pest survival and reproduction is food-based, and pests need to consume one unit of crop by age two to survive and reproduce. Pests initialised at the start of the simulation are randomly assigned an age from 0-4 with equal probability. Pests have a maximum age of four, and they feed in ages 0-2, move up to two cells in ages 3-4, and reproduce in age four. Pests can uptake (i.e., ‘consume’) pesticides in ages 0-2, and if they consume any pesticide, then they will die. In each time step, a mean of 10 immigrants arrive. We simulate 160 time steps (10 growing seasons) using the function below:
sim <- run_farm_sim(mine_output = new_network, repro = "asexual",
pesticide_number = 2, pesticide_init = "random",
pesticide_consume = c("T1", "T2"), farms = 9,
pesticide_rotation_time = 16, pesticide_rotation_type = 3,
pesticide_tolerated_surv = 0, pesticide_per_cell = 1,
crop_rotation_time = 16, crop_number = 1, crop_per_cell = 4,
food_consume = 1, reproduction_type = "food_based",
food_needed_surv = 1, food_needed_repr = 1, max_age = 4,
min_age_feed = 0, max_age_feed = 2, min_age_move = 3,
max_age_move = 4, min_age_reproduce = 4, print_gens = FALSE,
max_age_reproduce = 4, age_pesticide_threshold = 2,
rand_age = TRUE, move_distance = 2, immigration_rate = 10,
time_steps = 160, print_last = TRUE, xdim = 64, ydim = 64,
trait_means = c(0.1, 0.1), land_edge = "torus");
Any arguments to run_farm_sim
not included above are set
to default values. Output files can be used to
plot ecological and evolutionary dynamics of pests. Figure 3a shows the
pest population change both across and within seasons. Due to the
specific parameter values chosen, clear patterns reflecting pest cohorts
emerge. At the start of a season when the most crop is available, pests
eat and abundance increases. As less crop remains in a season, pest
abundance decreases. Mean food consumed varies over the course of a
season caused by the varying frequency of pests in different life
history stages (Figure 3c). In the first 50 time steps, there is some
consumption of pesticides 1 and 2 (Figure 3b), but both traits rapidly
evolve to negative values making both pesticides ineffective (Figure
3d). In this case, the trade-off in pesticide consumption is not strong
enough to maintain susceptibility to either pesticide in the population.
Figure 4 shows the location of pests on the landscape in the last time
of the simulation (left panel), and how different pesticides are
currently being applied on the landscape (right panel). Because the
number of crops and pesticides, the number and nature of traits, and the
size of pest genomes all vary depending on simulation parameters, no
plotting functions are introduced in the resevol package. Instead,
methods and code for producing plots such as those in Figures 3 and 4
are explained in Supporting Information 2.
Figure 3. Agricultural pest ecological and evolutionary dynamics over 160 time steps from an individual-based simulation using the resevol R package. Panels show (a) pesticide abundance change, (b) mean realised amount of pesticides 1 and 2 uptaken per pest, (c) mean food consumed per pest, and (d) mean value of evolving traits 1 and 2 underlying pest uptake over time. Note that only pests with positive values for Traits 1 or 2 can uptake Pesticide 1 or 2, respectively. Pests with negative trait values will be unaffected by corresponding pesticides (i.e., pesticide consumption is a threshold trait), hence the difference between realised pesticide consumption (b) and the traits underlying it (d). White and grey vertical stripes indicate seasons of a single crop and pesticide application.
Figure 4. Locations of pests (black) across a landscape that includes nine farms (coloured blocks) in the last time step of a simulation using the resevol R package (left panel). The right panel shows which farms apply pesticide 1 (dark grey) and 2 (light grey).
Insecticide resistance to pesticides is a widespread problem that affects global food security (Tabashnik et al. 2014; Bradshaw et al. 2016; Lykogianni et al. 2021). Many models have been developed to investigate the evolution of resistance under different ecological and evolutionary conditions (e.g., Curtis 1985; Mani 1985; Ives and Andow 2002; Liang et al. 2013; Liang, Tang, and Cheke 2018; Haridas and Tenhumberg 2018; South and Hastings 2018; Sudo et al. 2018; Saikai, Hurley, and Mitchell 2021). The resevol R package makes it possible to rapidly develop and simulate myriad individual-based models of resistance evolution. It also introduces a novel approach to modelling complex pest genetic architecture, using an evolutionary algorithm to generate haploid or diploid loci that map to pest traits with pre-specified covariances (Figure 1; Supporting Information 1). Agricultural landscapes and pest life histories are highly customisable, allowing targetted models that can simulate specific real-world case studies (Supporting Information 2). The breadth of possible models that can be simulated with resevol also makes it a useful tool for developing theory on pest management, and even more generally on the evolution and ecology of individuals with complex traits on a heterogeneous landscape.
This software was developed as part of the project for Enhancing Diversity to Overcome Resistance Evolution (ENDORSE). The ENDORSE project is a joint Newton funded international partnership between the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) in the UK and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil under BBSRC award reference BB/S018956/1 and FAPESP award reference 2018/21089-3. ENDORSE is a partnership among Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), the University of Stirling (UoS), and the Centre for Agricultural and Biosciences International (CABI).
All authors contributed to planning software development and writing. ABD wrote and maintains package code. CRM contributed code for data visualisation.
The resevol R package can be downloaded from CRAN ( or GitHub ( The package is open source under GNU Public License.